Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy Statement

At JPR Solutions (UK) limited) we are committed to the Governments ‘’Green’’ policy and are very aware of our place in the local community and also the impact that we can have either a positive or negative result of what we do. We take that very seriously and so have formal sustainability and environmental policies. These policies help us in our decision making and, we hope, will also help you to understand what makes JPR Solutions different from other Support services providers. You can find those policies below in full.

We welcome suggestions from our staff, suppliers and the wider community on these policies.

Environmental and Sustainability Policy. 


JPR Solutions (UK) Limited is a specialist company which provides bespoke Support services to a range of clients. We recognise that our activities will have an impact on the environment in terms of our use of cleaning products and machinery, emissions to air and water, and waste generation, and we seek to minimise this as far as is reasonably practicable and environmentally sensible.

JPR Solutions (UK) limited is committed to:

  • Reducing our environmental footprint.
  • Continual improvement in our environmental performance.
  • Preventing pollution.
  • Compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the industry sector in which we operate.
  • Advising our clients, we relevant, on steps that they can take to reduce their environmental impact.

It is the policy of JPR Solutions (UK) limited to:

  • Make efficient use of natural resources by conserving energy and water, minimising waste, and reusing and recycling where Possible.
  • Meet our duty of care requirements in relation to waste by ensuring the safe keeping, transportation and subsequent recovery or disposal of waste.
  • Use recycled products whenever these can be commercially and environmentally justified.
  • Keep transport use to a minimum and regularly service vehicles to maintain their efficiency.
  • Work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation.
  • Inform staff of their obligations under this Environmental and Sustainability Policy as part of their Induction training and throughout their career with JPR Solutions (UK) Limited.
  • Where possible, use local suppliers to ensure that our supply chain is sustainable within our local community.

 Responsible Individual

The Directors of JPR Solutions (UK) limited have decided that a senior member of staff will be responsible for ensuring that the Environmental and Sustainability Policy remains up to date, is being properly implemented and also to seek improvements to the policy.

The Responsible Individual will be Roland Conn, Director of compliance and business development. Staff can contact him at the head office on 01782 349676.

The Responsible Individual will work with other members of staff on the policy and may delegate particular aspects of it to others. However, the Responsible Individual will be ultimately responsible for the implementation of the policy.

Disposal and Waste Reduction Policy

JPR Solutions (UK) Limited has a policy of reducing the amount of waste that is produced and, in turn, the amount that goes to landfill. We follow a policy of ‘Repair, Reuse, Recycle’.


Where it makes both environmental and commercial sense, we will seek to repair any vehicles, machinery, office or other equipment. This decision will be made having due regard to the life-expectancy of the relevant item, the environmental cost of repair and the commercial needs of the business.


Where possible, we will reuse machinery and products for another purpose. This may include, for example, considering alternative uses for empty plastic containers instead of immediately consigning them to the recycling.

If an item is, in our view, reusable but not required by the business, we will, where practical (commercially and environmentally), offer items to others who may be able to make use of them. This could, for example, include:

  • Packaging or containers that can be used by community groups.
  • Functional vacuum cleaners which are no longer being used by the business being offered to staff.
  • Office equipment which can be used by local charities or offered on Freecycle or other such groups.
  • We reserve the right to make such items available for free, for a charge, or for a donation to a local charity.


Where repair or reuse are not practical, JPR Solutions (UK) Limited will endeavour to recycle as much material as possible. In the event that an item has removable, reusable parts (for instance, vacuum hoses) consideration should be given to retaining these for reuse rather than sending them for recycling.


Where necessary, landfill will be considered as a last resort. In relation to recycling and landfill, JPR Solutions (UK) Limited currently have an agreement with Potteries Waste who are contracted to dispose of our waste in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and subsequent legislation. As with all our contracts, we will continue to monitor performance. 

Energy Use

JPR Solutions (UK) Limited, as part of their procurement considerations, will assess the energy use of all equipment purchased. In addition, the Company asks that staff consider their energy use – whether this is on the Company’s site or on a client site.

This includes, for example:

  • Turning off lights and equipment when it is not in use.
  • Not leaving office equipment on ‘standby’ when there is little realistic chance of returning to it within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Ensuring that equipment is left clean and is appropriately serviced so that it works as efficiently as possible.

 Where appropriate, we will also provide relevant and accessible information to encourage energy efficiency at appropriate sites – for instance, by key light switches, near computers or photocopiers – to explain the impacts of wasteful energy use.


JPR Solutions (UK) Limited is committed to reducing the impact and amount of travel undertaken by the business and its employees. We recognise that we are constrained in a large percentage of our travel by the needs of our clients (in particular due to location and timing) and that travel by public transport is rarely possible due to the equipment that is needed to carry out jobs. However, where we are able to, we attempt to schedule client visits in the most efficient way possible. This is done centrally. Where staff consider that there may be a more efficient route or schedule, you are encouraged to discuss this with your manager who will explore whether it is possible. In addition, so as to reduce our environmental footprint, we regularly and routinely service our vehicles to ensure that they are operating in an efficient manner and that their useful life is extended. We also had a Vehicle procurement policy which set out the company’s policy on new vehicle replacement. If any member of staff using or travelling in one of the vehicles notices anything that may require attention, they should report it to the office as soon as practical.

Sustainable Procurement

We are a National business which is at the heart of our community. JPR Solutions (UK) Limited recognises the importance of a sustainable local economy from an environmental, social and economic viewpoint. JPR Solutions (UK) Limited aims to work to minimise our environmental impact and deliver community benefits through better selection and improved usage of products and services. To achieve this aim, when engaging making purchasing decisions, in addition to other criteria, we will consider (in no particular order):

  • Whether the proposed supplier is local and how it fits into the local economy.
  • Any environmental accreditations of the proposed supplier and or product including, for example, Green Accord or similar.
  • The estimated longevity of the relevant product(s).
  • The efficacy of the product including its declared energy use rating.
  • The ‘supply miles’ added by ordering from the proposed supplier.
  • The level and type of and packaging used to include whether they will offer to take and reuse the packaging on delivery.
  • The environmental impact of any products at its end of life and where it may fit in the ‘repair, reuse, recycle’ chain.
  • Whether orders, administration and payments can be made electronically.

Training and Induction

We will communicate this policy to all our employees and ensure that they are given appropriate training to raise awareness of environmental issues. The contents of this policy will form part of our staff induction and we will keep staff informed of any development of the policy throughout their career with JPR Solutions (UK) Limited. During induction training, staff will be provided with a copy of the policy and an Induction Evaluation Form. The Forms will be monitored to ensure that staff are aware of and understand the policy. Any staff who indicate that this is not the case will be given further advice. Staff who attend training relevant to our Environmental and Sustainability Policy are asked to provide the Relevant Individual with a copy of the course notes along with any certificate or confirmation of attendance.

Review, Staff Involvement and Communication

Along with ongoing review, JPR Solutions (UK) Limited will review this policy on annual basis, taking into account changes within legislation and our organisation along with other factors. We actively encourage all our staff to suggest improvements to this policy and the way that we do business so as to reduce our environmental impact and help sustain the local community. Staff should relay their ideas to any member of the senior management staff in the first instance. JPR Solutions (UK) Limited is serious about this policy and our impact on the environment and the community. Therefore, we will make this policy freely available online and invite feedback on our policy (both in terms of its content and operation) from the public.