JPR Solution(uk)Limited are committed to creating a culture in which diversity and equality of opportunity are promoted actively and in which unlawful discrimination is not tolerated. We recognise the real business and community benefits of having a diverse community of customers and colleagues and to this end, are working towards building and maintaining an environment which values and celebrates diversity.
Our vision in this respect is that:
‘We treat everyone with respect and value and celebrate diversity.’
This policy applies to everyone we serve and everyone who works for us and applies to all aspects of our business activities but specifically: people and employment, all aspects of service delivery, governance, procurement, development activities and partnership working.
Aims of the Policy and underpinning principles
The aim of this policy is to ensure that in carrying out its activities JPR Solutions (UK) Limited will have due regard to:
- promoting equality of opportunity, across all the activities of the Company
- promoting good relations between people of a diverse background
- eliminating unlawful discrimination
- valuing diversity
These aims are underpinned by the following principles
- all colleagues, customers and stakeholders should enjoy a safe environment free from discrimination and harassment/bullying
- all customers should have equal access to quality services that are made available by the Company and its contractors
- all colleagues should have equal access to opportunities for personal or professional development and career, progression and promotion opportunities
- all customers, should be able to participate fully in the work and life of the community and celebrate its diversity
- colleagues and customers should reflect the diversity of talent, experience and skills from the local community
- positive action initiatives continue to be used to redress inequalities and discriminatory practice
- all relevant stakeholders, have the right to be consulted about JPR Solutions (UK) Limited policy, procedures and practices
The Policy
- We will not treat anyone less favourably because of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin, faith, gender, disability, age, Aids or HIV status, marital status, sexual orientation, or anything else that causes a person to be treated with injustice.
- We will seek to identify the needs of disadvantaged, underrepresented and excluded groups within the areas we work and establish positive and effective relationships with these groups to inform our services.
- We encourage applications for employment from these underrepresented groups to achieve effective access to employment.
- Wherever necessary, use will be made of lawful exemptions to recruit suitably qualified people to cater for the special needs of particular groups.
- Wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary/unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups.
- We will collect (respecting people’s rights to decline to answer) and monitor records of the ethnic or racial origin and gender, age, disability, sexual orientation and faith of all applicants for employment.
- We will be aware of our commitment to equality and diversity in respect of how our Governance structure operates and how it is constituted.
- We will ensure equality and diversity awareness are key elements in our Induction Programmes and training courses for colleagues, customers and Contractors.
- We will provide appropriate resources to ensure our objectives and targets with respect to equality and diversity are achieved
- All reports produced by the Company must consider the equality and diversity implications and procedures must include an equality and diversity statement.
- We will seek to exceed with the requirements all legislation and regulatory requirements that relate to equality and diversity.
Company Director
The Operations director has strategic responsibility for equality and diversity within the JPR Solutions (UK) Limited, which includes accountability for the effective implementation of this Policy. Other responsibilities are:
- To take a lead role in promoting Equality and Diversity.
- Approve the Policy and the basis and frequency of subsequent reviews.
- Ensure resources are made available for the implementation of the Policy through the Equality and Diversity Strategy.
- Providing visible leadership on equality and diversity – for example by attending relevant meetings, training sessions, etc.
- Ensuring that individual business and service plans incorporate equality and diversity considerations and that agreed equality and diversity actions are resourced.
- Supporting the Equality and Diversity Steering Group.
Every manager has the responsibility for:
- Actively promoting equality and diversity including developing service led approaches.
- Challenging discrimination within their areas of operation
- Supporting the Diversity Champions within their area of operation.
- Delivery of Equality and Diversity targets and actions
- Supporting staff by ensuring they are adequately trained to meet the requirements of this policy.
All colleagues have a responsibility to:
- Implement this policy in line with their main duties and day to day responsibilities. This will be highlighted as part of the performance management review.
- Understand the values and benefits of equality and diversity.
- Give full commitment to the principles contained within the policy.
- Positively promote the Company’s approach to equality and diversity and draw to the attention of their line manager any instances of apparent discrimination or problems concerning employment or service delivery.
- We expect all customers to abide by the respective laws associated with equality and diversity.
To ensure that this policy is operating effectively the company maintains records of customers, employees’ and applicants’ racial origins, gender and sexual orientation, faith, age and disability.
These records provide information to ensure that we meet the needs of our customers in an effective manner and help us to monitor the impact of our Equality and Diversity Strategy and serve individual needs more effectively, in line with regulatory and statutory duties. All such records are confidential to the individual and are subject to the legal controls applicable under the Data Protection Act
Monitoring and Review
The Operations Director will monitor performance against the company’s published regulatory duties and key equality and diversity targets/indicators.
JPR Solutions (UK) Limited will seek to assess the impact of its policies on colleagues, customers and stakeholders to ensure that real improvements are being made in tackling discrimination and promoting diversity.
The policy will be reviewed every two years.
Breach of the Policy
JPR Solutions (UK) Limited will take seriously any instances of non-adherence to the Equality and Diversity policy by its colleagues, customers, contractors or other stakeholders. Any instances of non-adherence will be investigated and where appropriate will be considered under the relevant disciplinary policy. With regard to any breach of the policy by other stakeholders, JPR Solutions (UK) Limited will take appropriate action in relation to the nature of the incident.
Relevant Legislation
The Company will implement its Equality and Diversity Policy in accordance with current legislation and codes of practice including:
- Equal Pay Act 1970 and Amendment 1983
- Sex Discrimination Act 1975
- Race Relations Act 1976
- EU Anti-Discrimination Directives (which currently include the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, Religion and Belief Regulation 2003 and Sexual Orientation Regulation 2003
- Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and as amended 2005
- Protection from Harassment Act 1997
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999
- Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Rights in Education Act 2001
- Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 and the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
- Asylum & Immigration Act 2004
- Gender Recognition Act 2004
- Civil Partnership Act 2005
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Employment Equality (Sex Discrimination) Regs 2005
- The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations October 2006
- The Equality Act 2006
- Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
- The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007
- Work & Families Act 2006: April 2007